post demo

"post demo"

Posted by xjfuuu on January 29, 2015




Thank you for choosing Typora. This document will help you to start Typora. Please note that Typora for Windows is still in beta phase, so this document may be updated in future version-ups.




You could switch to source code mode temporary from menu bar, footer bar or short cut key (ctrl+/). But we only provide very basic support for source code mode and won’t recommend users to do so public.

说明 快捷键
标题 Ctrl + 1/2/3/4/5/6
标题变大 Ctrl + =
标题变小 Ctrl + -
表格 Ctrl + T
数学公式 Ctrl + Shift + M
引用 Ctrl + Shift + Q
有序列表和无序列表 Ctrl + Shift + [ 和 Ctrl + Shift + ]
缩进 Tab
加粗 Ctrl + B
代码短语 Ctrl + Shift + `
代码块 Ctrl + Shift + K
斜体 Ctrl + I
下划线 Ctrl + U
清除格式 Ctrl + \
超链接 Ctrl + K
删除线 Alt + Shift + 5


You could switch to source code mode temporary from menu bar, footer bar or short cut key (ctrl+/). But we only provide very basic support for source code mode and won’t recommend users to do so.

  1. 表格1
  2. 表格2


  • 无须1
  • 无序2
public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World");


You could switch to source code mode temporary from menu bar, footer bar or short cut key (ctrl+/). But we only provide very basic support for source code mode and won’t recommend users to do so.


\[A = \{ \langle G \rangle \vert G \text{ is a connected undirected graph}\}\]

You could switch to source code mode temporary from menu bar, footer bar or short cut key (ctrl+/). But we only provide very basic support for source code mode and won’t recommend users to do so.

Typora use the feature: Live Preview, meaning that you could see these inline styles after you finish typing, and see block styles when you type or after you press Enter key or focus to another paragraph. Just try to type some markdown in typora, and you would see how it works.

Note: Markdown tags for inline styles, such as ** will be hidden or displayed smartly. Markdown tags for block level styles, such as ### or - [x] will be hidden once the block is rendered.

You could switch to source code mode temporary from menu bar, footer bar or short cut key (ctrl+/). But we only provide very basic support for source code mode and won’t recommend users to do so.

Markdown For Typora

Typora is using GitHub Flavored Markdown .

To see full markdown Syntax references and extra usage, please check Help->Markdown Reference in menu bar or About panel.

Shortcut Keys

You could find shortcut keys in the right side of menu items from menu bar.For more shortcut key details and custom key bindings, you can refer here.


We create typora and want to make it your default markdown editor, thus copy and paste means copy from another app or paste to another app, instead of copy/paste from/to another markdown editor. Therefore, by default, Copy means Copy As HTML ( and Paste means Paste from HTML).

However, after click “Copy Markdown source by default”, typora will copy selected text in HTML/markdown format (When pasting, rich editors will accept the HTML format, while plain text / code editor will accept the markdown source code format).

To copy Markdown source code explicitly, please use shortcut key shift+cmd+c or Copy as Markdown from menu. To Copy as HTML Code, please select Copy as HTML Code from menu.

Smart Paste

Typora is able to analyze styles of the text content in your clipboard when pasting. For example, after pasting a <h1>HEADING</h1> from some website, typora will keep the ‘first level heading’ format instead of paste ‘heading’ as plain text.

To paste as markdown source or plain text, you should use paste as plain text or press the shortcut key: shift+cmd+v.


Please refer to HelpCustom Themes from menu bar.


Currently Typora only support to export as PDF or HTML. More data format support as import/export will be integrated in future.

Auto Save and File Recovery

Typora support auto save feature, user could enable it from preference panel.

Typora does not provide professional version control and file backup feature, but typora would backup the last file content from time to time automatically, so even when typora crashes or users forget to save the file before close, it is possible to recovery most of the work by clicking Recovery Unsaved Drafts from preference folder, and copy out backed-up files. The File name in this folder is consists of last saved date, originally file name and last saved timestamp.

More Useful Tips & Documents

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We opened a Github issue page in case you want to start a discussion or as an alternative way to report bugs/suggestions:
